Efektor Ringmojo Ring Modulator

Efektor Ringmojo
Ring Modulator
Create otherworldly robotic, chaotic, and metallic tone rich in harmonic complexity
Try for Free! No time & feature limit. Noise every 40 seconds until you purchase the license key
PC & Mac – VST – VST3 – Audio Unit – AAX – A360 Module
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Otherworldly, Robotic, Experimental, Complex Harmonic, Avant Garde
Dive into uncharted soundscapes with Kuassa Efektor Ringmojo, a revolutionary ring modulator that transforms your audio into a symphony of metallic resonance, ethereal chimes, and experimental frequencies. Crafted for sonic explorers and avant-garde creators.
Unleash Sonic Alchemy with “Ringmojo” Ring Modulator VST Plugin
Dive into the realm of uncharted soundscapes with “Ringmojo,” a revolutionary ring modulator effect plugin that transcends conventional boundaries. Crafted for sonic explorers and avant-garde creators, this plugin transforms your audio into a symphony of metallic resonance, ethereal chimes, and experimental frequencies.
Key Features :
– Creates crazy modulation in an enjoyable to destructive ways
– Five LFO waveforms
– Waveform shape transformation
– Sync LFO with tempo
– Adjustable center ringing frequency
– Mix dry and wet sound
– Straightforward single screen interface.
– Available as an Amplifikation 360 module
System Requirements:
- Windows:
- Windows 7 or Later (64 bit)
- Core2 Duo, or AMD Phenom ii X4 or better (latest Intel i3, AMD Ryzen, or better is recommended) with 4GB minimum RAM
- VST or VST3 compatible host/DAW
- Pro Tools 11 or later for AAX format
- Propellerhead Reason 10.1 or later for Rack Extension format (Coming Soon!)
- Mac OSX 10.11 or later (64 Bit).
- Core2 Duo, or better (latest Intel i3 recommended) with 4GB minimum RAM
- Native Apple Silicon Processors Compatible (M1 & M2)
- VST, VST3, or Audio Units compatible host/DAW
- Pro Tools 11 or later for AAX format
- Propellerhead Reason 10.1 or later for Rack Extension format
Please note that this product is a plugin, a VST/VST3/AU/AAX compatible host/sequencer is needed to run this software
Audio Demos
Also Available as Rack Extension
Amplifikation 360 (A360) is a modular “playground” for stacking pedals, amps, and cabs to create the perfect sound you want. Immediately combine every Kuassa guitar plug-ins you own inside Amplifikation 360. [Learn More…]
Try for Free! No time & feature limit. Noise every 40 seconds until you purchase the license key
PC & Mac – VST – VST3 – Audio Unit – AAX – A360 Module
Buy all three at a reduced price!